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Pause or Cancel Your Subscription
Pause or Cancel Your Subscription

How to pause or cancel your ProspectNow subscription.

Updated over a week ago

Love ProspectNow but don't need it at the moment? You can pause your subscription for 30 or 60 days.

To pause your subscription, login to your ProspectNow account and click the "My Account" Link located in the top right corner.

My Account-min (1)

Next, click the subscriptions tab and select the "Cancel" link.

On the pop-up window, you can choose to pause your account for 30 days or for 60 days. Once you choose and confirm, your subscription will pause at the end of your current billing cycle. Billing will resume automatically at the end of the chosen time period.

You can also choose to cancel your subscription indefinitely as shown in the image below. Your subscription will be terminated at the end of the current 30 day billing cycle.

Pause Or Cancel
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